All things Weddings
Why Handmade?
Why Handmade?
It's something that people ask a lot, especially with the plethora of online stores that sell everything under the sun: “Why handmade? Why not simply find the cheapest and fastest gifts available?”
It's a difficult question to answer. On the one hand after all, people who don't think that they can afford bespoke hand made gifts will rarely ever consider such. If 'it' after all, is only available in a boutique store or via a niche specialty website, 'it' simply must be expensive.
In fact, what a lot of people don't realise, is that literally everything today is mass produced somewhere in the Far East. Mass produced, however, rarely denotes quality, and never embodies uniqueness.
At Custom Favours we are therefore not just about creating regular wedding and celebration gifts. Rather, we're about ensuring each and every one of our gift creations are made with quality as well as uniqueness. Moreover, at Custom Favours buying bespoke doesn't necessarily mean buying expensively. Rather, Custom Favours offers great value as well as unrivalled gift quality. Even better, when it comes to gifts, people really do appreciate handmade.
Handmade denotes not just quality, but care and attention. Handmade says to loved ones that we care enough about them to seek out something special. Even better, hand made gifts are gifts which people love to show off and in doing so let the giver themselves know that they do in fact appreciate their gratitude.
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